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Int’l Trade Consulting

Foreign Trade Consulting

Based on over 20 years of experience in foreign trade services, our company also provides customs clearance and logistics Consultancy services to its customers in the following topics.

We provide companies with the necessary information before foreign trade and help them determine the appropriate strategy by examining foreign trade laws, customs legislation and international logistics process, researching potential manufacturers and customers, and foreign market competition analysis.

Consulting Scope

Import / Export company analysis, Product Analysis, Logistics Analysis, Supply Chain Detection, Sectoral Analysis, Customs Legislation, Payment Methods, Delivery Methods and Cost Analysis, Foreign Trade Documents Document Control, Operation Plan Creation, Letter of Credit Applications, Market Research.

Professional Consultancy Service in Foreign Trade

The complexity of doing business in today’s global market has increased the demand for professional consultancy services in international trade for many businesses. Foreign trade requires accurate information and expertise in customs procedures, logistics, financing, payment methods, marketing strategies, and many other aspects. This is where we can assist you on the journey to a successful venture in foreign trade.

Our Services

With our expertise and experience in foreign trade, we offer a range of services to support your business’s international trade activities:

1. Customs Procedures: We provide guidance on customs procedures and requirements, helping prevent potential issues in advance.

2. Logistics: We ensure the safe and fast transportation of your products through effective logistics management.

3. Financing and Payment Methods: Facilitating access to suitable financing sources for your trade transactions and providing guidance on reliable payment methods.

4. Marketing: We develop strategies to promote your products in international markets and conduct market research.

5. Foreign Trade Department Management: We assist in efficiently managing your foreign trade department.

6. Export and Import Management: We rigorously manage your export and import processes.

7. Export Sales and Import Purchasing Management: We manage the sales process of your products and handle import procedures.

Who We Are

We are a specialized team in foreign trade, providing consultancy services to businesses in various sectors for years. By offering tailored solutions to our clients’ needs, we help them succeed in international trade.

If you require expert consultancy services in foreign trade, please feel free to contact us. We are here to provide the most suitable solutions for you. Work with us to step into a successful future in foreign trade.

Feel free to reach out to us for more information about our foreign trade consultancy services or to receive a tailored proposal for your specific needs. We are delighted to assist your business in achieving success in international trade.

How We Work

Our target audience includes manufacturing companies engaged in export/import within our scope.

Who We Work With

Manufacturing companies involved in export and import processes

Customs brokers, Logistics companies

Who We Don’t Work With

We do not work with non-manufacturing intermediary companies, except for serious trading firms.

We do not accept transactions under any company name. We work directly with all companies.

Our Working Conditions

  • We provide consultancy covering the entire process of foreign trade consultancy.
  • Free question-answer sessions over the phone are not provided.
  • All consultations are subject to a fee.
  • The fees for requested services cover services provided over the phone and electronically.
  • Customer visits are scheduled according to our availability.
  • On-site consultancy fees are determined individually.
  • Consultancy fees for initial transactions are collected in advance.
  • For ongoing transactions, consultancy fees are determined by mutual agreement.


Goldberg Impex LLC

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